The FIG Bulletin is the official historical document of the International Gymnastics Federation containing information and decisions taken by its Congress, Council and Executive Committee.
The FIG Bulletin was published for the first time on 5 March 1953 by President Count Goblet D'Alviella (BEL) and Secretary General Charles Thoeni.
The frequency with which the Bulletin has been published over the years has varied, settling on three editions yearly since 1994.
The Secretary General is the publisher of the FIG Bulletin. The FIG Publications Manager is responsible for the content. The FIG Bulletin is published in English.
The FIG Bulletin is a public document that is accessible by all. Texts and illustrations in the FIG Bulletin may be reproduced with author/source citation.
A special edition of the FIG Bulletin is published two months before the FIG Congress every two years in accordance with the FIG Statutes.
The FIG Bulletin includes all official information related to the FIG, such as the event calendar, approved equipment manufacturers, official news and minutes of Congress, Council, Executive Committee, Technical Committee and Commission meetings.
NB: The Executive Committee Minutes is a confidential document released to members only.