Olympic Solidarity assists the countries with the greatest sport development needs. The member federations may apply and receive Olympic Solidarity financial aid for athletes, coach education and development of a National Sport Structure. (more information is available in the 2017-2020 Olympic Solidarity guide).
There are two sources of Olympic Solidarity funding : world programmes and continental programmes. World programmes are coordinated through the Olympic Solidarity headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland. Continental programmes are coordinated by the Olympic associations in each continent and are customised for each region.
The member federations must apply for both types of programme through their National Olympic Committee.
The FIG education department is available to help facilitate the process.
Dates | Title | City | Disciplines | ||
Canceled | {{ event.startevent | toReadableDate }} - {{ event.endevent | toReadableDate }} | {{ event.title }} | {{ event.city.name }} ({{ event.city.country.code }}) | {{ event.disciplines.map(function(discipline) { return discipline.code; }).join(', ') }} |