The 10 Golden Rules


The 10 Golden Rules of Gymnastics is an awareness campaign reflecting the strong desire within the Gymnastics community to ensure a safe and respectful environment in the sport.

It was first launched in October 2021, one year after top athletes, coaches, sports administrators, sports figures and several national federations had shared their ideas and solutions at the FIG online conference to enhance the training environment.

Although mentalities cannot be changed overnight with a magic wand, building a positive culture in sport is everyone’s business.

Golden Rules

Be part of the wind of change!

From the bottom to the top of the Gymnastics pyramid, the FIG encourages everyone to join this awareness campaign.

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  • Promote the Golden Rules in your own way, and share your best ideas with us, using the hashtag #10GoldenRulesOfGymnastics.

From and for the Gymnastics community

The 10 Golden Rules come from the same Gymnastics community they are made for.

They are basic principles that have been raised repeatedly and at different levels. The FIG started with a blank page, paying close attention to the many testimonies of athletes who spoke out on social networks.

It also collected the ideas put forward during the FIG online conference in 2020, and reviewed the recommendations of the independent inquiries carried out in several countries where serious allegations overshadowed the sport.

The FIG got feedback on early drafts from athletes, coaches and several people involved in the sport, and was able to rely on the newly set up Safeguarding Working Group, which brings together 15 athletes – still active or involved at other levels of the sport – to fine-tune ideas and the final wording.


  • to raise awareness of youth protection and the fight against abuse of any kind
  • to remind everyone that mental and physical health comes first in all cases
  • to build a respectful, positive environment in Gymnastics

This campaign is just a first step. As new generations of athletes and coaches show a strong will for change, the FIG is committed to supporting this positive shift of mentalities and leading all initiatives that contribute to not tolerating anymore the old, authoritarian training methods - however successful they might have been in the past.

Golden Rules